ieit-yuan / yuan2.0-2b-mars
yuan2.0-2b-mars是源2.0-2B模型的2024年3月版本,源2.0 是浪潮信息发布的新一代基础语言大模型。我们开源了全部的3个模型源2.0-102B,源2.0-51B和源2.0-2B。并且我们提供了预训练,微调,推理服务的相关脚本,以供研发人员做进一步的开发。源2.0是在源1.0的基础上,利用更多样的高质量预训练数据和指令微调数据集,令模型在语义、数学、推理、代码、知识等不同方面具备更强的理解能力。
ieit-yuan / yuan2.0-2b-februa
Yuan2.0 is a new generation LLM developed by IEIT System, enhanced the model's understanding of semantics, mathematics, reasoning, code, knowledge, and other aspects.
ieit-yuan / yuan2.0-51b
Yuan2.0 is a new generation LLM developed by IEIT System, enhanced the model's understanding of semantics, mathematics, reasoning, code, knowledge, and other aspects.
ieit-yuan / yuan2.0-2b
Yuan2.0 is a new generation LLM developed by IEIT System, enhanced the model's understanding of semantics, mathematics, reasoning, code, knowledge, and other aspects.
ieit-yuan / yuan2.0-102b
Yuan2.0 is a new generation LLM developed by IEIT System, enhanced the model's understanding of semantics, mathematics, reasoning, code, knowledge, and other aspects.