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@openai / whisper



[ { "id": 0, "end": 18.6, "seek": 0, "text": " the little tales they tell are false the door was barred locked and bolted as well ripe pears are fit for a queen's table a big wet stain was on the round carpet", "start": 0, "tokens": [ 50365, 264, 707, 27254, 436, 980, 366, 7908, 264, 2853, 390, 2159, 986, 9376, 293, 13436, 292, 382, 731, 31421, 520, 685, 366, 3318, 337, 257, 12206, 311, 3199, 257, 955, 6630, 16441, 390, 322, 264, 3098, 18119, 51295 ], "avg_logprob": -0.060722851171726135, "temperature": 0, "no_speech_prob": 0.05907342955470085, "compression_ratio": 1.412280701754386 }, { "id": 1, "end": 31.840000000000003, "seek": 1860, "text": " the kite dipped and swayed but stayed aloft the pleasant hours fly by much too soon the room was crowded with a mild wab", "start": 18.6, "tokens": [ 50365, 264, 38867, 45162, 293, 27555, 292, 457, 9181, 419, 6750, 264, 16232, 2496, 3603, 538, 709, 886, 2321, 264, 1808, 390, 21634, 365, 257, 15154, 261, 455, 51027 ], "avg_logprob": -0.1184891973223005, "temperature": 0, "no_speech_prob": 0.000253104604780674, "compression_ratio": 1.696969696969697 }, { "id": 2, "end": 45.2, "seek": 1860, "text": " the room was crowded with a wild mob this strong arm shall shield your honour she blushed when he gave her a white orchid", "start": 31.840000000000003, "tokens": [ 51027, 264, 1808, 390, 21634, 365, 257, 4868, 4298, 341, 2068, 3726, 4393, 10257, 428, 20631, 750, 25218, 292, 562, 415, 2729, 720, 257, 2418, 34850, 327, 51695 ], "avg_logprob": -0.1184891973223005, "temperature": 0, "no_speech_prob": 0.000253104604780674, "compression_ratio": 1.696969696969697 }, { "id": 3, "end": 48.6, "seek": 1860, "text": " the beetle droned in the hot june sun", "start": 45.2, "tokens": [ 51695, 264, 49735, 1224, 19009, 294, 264, 2368, 361, 2613, 3295, 51865 ], "avg_logprob": -0.1184891973223005, "temperature": 0, "no_speech_prob": 0.000253104604780674, "compression_ratio": 1.696969696969697 }, { "id": 4, "end": 52.38, "seek": 4860, "text": " the beetle droned in the hot june sun", "start": 48.6, "tokens": [ 50365, 264, 49735, 1224, 19009, 294, 264, 2368, 361, 2613, 3295, 50554 ], "avg_logprob": -0.30115177081181455, "temperature": 0.2, "no_speech_prob": 0.292143315076828, "compression_ratio": 0.8409090909090909 } ]


the little tales they tell are false the door was barred locked and bolted as well ripe pears are fit for a queen's table a big wet stain was on the round carpet the kite dipped and swayed but stayed aloft the pleasant hours fly by much too soon the room was crowded with a mild wab the room was crowded with a wild mob this strong arm shall shield your honour she blushed when he gave her a white orchid the beetle droned in the hot june sun the beetle droned in the hot june sun



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