Model weights:
Naruto diffusion
Stable Diffusion fine tuned on Naruto by Lambda Labs.
Game of Thrones to Naruto
Marvel to Naruto
Prompt engineering matters
We find that prompt engineering does help produce compelling and consistent Naruto style portraits. For example, writing prompts such as ‘person_name ninja portrait’ or ‘person_name in the style of Naruto’ tends to produce results that are closer to the style of Naruto character with the characteristic headband and other elements of costume.
Here are a few examples of prompts with and without prompt engineering that will illustrate that point.
Bill Gates:
Without prompt engineering
With prompt engineering
A cute bunny:
Without prompt engineering
With prompt engineering
Model description
Trained on BLIP captioned Naruto images using 2xA6000 GPUs on Lambda GPU Cloud for around 30,000 step (about 12 hours, at a cost of about $20).
- Lambda Diffusers
- Captioned Naruto dataset
- Model weights in Diffusers format
- Original model weights
- Naruto diffusers repo
Trained by Eole Cervenka after the work of Justin Pinkney (@Buntworthy) at Lambda Labs.