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nateraw /whisper-large-v3:e13f98aa

Input schema

The fields you can use to run this model with an API. If you don’t give a value for a field its default value will be used.

Field Type Default value Description
Path to audio file to transcribe.
string (enum)


english, chinese, german, spanish, russian, korean, french, japanese, portuguese, turkish, polish, catalan, dutch, arabic, swedish, italian, indonesian, hindi, finnish, vietnamese, hebrew, ukrainian, greek, malay, czech, romanian, danish, hungarian, tamil, norwegian, thai, urdu, croatian, bulgarian, lithuanian, latin, maori, malayalam, welsh, slovak, telugu, persian, latvian, bengali, serbian, azerbaijani, slovenian, kannada, estonian, macedonian, breton, basque, icelandic, armenian, nepali, mongolian, bosnian, kazakh, albanian, swahili, galician, marathi, punjabi, sinhala, khmer, shona, yoruba, somali, afrikaans, occitan, georgian, belarusian, tajik, sindhi, gujarati, amharic, yiddish, lao, uzbek, faroese, haitian creole, pashto, turkmen, nynorsk, maltese, sanskrit, luxembourgish, myanmar, tibetan, tagalog, malagasy, assamese, tatar, hawaiian, lingala, hausa, bashkir, javanese, sundanese, cantonese, burmese, valencian, flemish, haitian, letzeburgesch, pushto, panjabi, moldavian, moldovan, sinhalese, castilian, mandarin

Source language if you know it (ex. english, french).
Whether to translate the text to English from the source language.
Whether to return timestamps for each chunk.

Output schema

The shape of the response you’ll get when you run this model with an API.

{'title': 'Output'}