Enhance videos
Transform your videos with AI models that add sound, increase resolution, and colorize old footage.
Add realistic sound with zsxkib/mmaudio
Sent a video (and optional text prompt) and get back a video with realistic sound effects, ambient noise, or background music. It can even do speech, if you’re not too worried about the words making sense.
Upscale video quality with lucataco/real-esrgan-video
Make low-resolution videos look crisp and clear. Great for improving old footage or compressed videos, or use it on AI-generated videos to bring them to full resolution.
Colorize old footage with arielreplicate/deoldify_video
Add natural-looking color to black and white videos. Works well on historical footage and home movies.
Featured models
zsxkib / mmaudio
Add sound to video. An advanced AI model that synthesizes high-quality audio from video content, enabling seamless video-to-audio transformation
lucataco / real-esrgan-video
Real-ESRGAN Video Upscaler
arielreplicate / deoldify_video
Add colours to old video footage.
Recommended models
lucataco / rembg-video
Video Background Removal
chenxwh / cogvlm2-video
CogVLM2: Visual Language Models for Image and Video Understanding
lucataco / nsfw_video_detection
FalconAIs NSFW detection model, extended for videos
zsxkib / mimic-motion
MimicMotion: High-quality human motion video generation with pose-guided control
zsxkib / film-frame-interpolation-for-large-motion
FILM: Frame Interpolation for Large Motion, In ECCV 2022.
sepal / audiogen
Generate sounds from a text prompt
pbarker / gfpgan-video
GFPGAN for human face video upscaling
tencentarc / animesr
Real-World Super-Resolution Models for Animation Videos
haoheliu / audio-ldm
Text-to-audio generation with latent diffusion models
pollinations / real-basicvsr-video-superresolution
RealBasicVSR: Investigating Tradeoffs in Real-World Video Super-Resolution
arielreplicate / robust_video_matting
extract foreground of a video
yoyo-nb / thin-plate-spline-motion-model
Thin-Plate Spline Motion Model for Image Animation