
Restore images

These models restore and improve images by fixing defects like blur, noise, and low resolution. Key capabilities:

  • Deblurring - Sharpen blurry images by reversing blur effects. Useful for old photos.
  • Denoising - Remove grain and artifacts by learning noise patterns.
  • Colorization - Add realistic color to black and white photos.
  • Face restoration - Improve the image quality of faces in old photos, or unrealistic AI generated faces.

Our Picks

Best restoration model: google-research/maxim

If you need to sharpen a blurry photo, or remove noise or compression artifacts, start with google-research/maxim. It has a total of 11 image restoration models baked-in that let you deblur, denoise, remove raindrops, and more. If you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, try megvii-research/nafnet which is similar but supports fewer restoration features.

Best colorization model: piddnad/ddcolor

The best model for adding color to black and white photos is piddnad/ddcolor, which was released in 2023. If you are looking for more saturated results try out arielreplicate/deoldify_image.

Best face restoration model: sczhou/codeformer

If you’re looking for a face restoration model, try starting with sczhou/codeformer. It produces more realistic faces than alternatives like tencentarc/gfpgan. If you aren’t getting the exact image improvements you want, we recommend exploring more modern upscaling models like batouresearch/magic-image-refiner.

Recommended models


Practical face restoration algorithm for *old photos* or *AI-generated faces*

72.7M runs


Robust face restoration algorithm for old photos / AI-generated faces

32.6M runs


Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer

5.6M runs


Nonlinear Activation Free Network for Image Restoration

1.2M runs


Bringing Old Photos Back to Life

852.5K runs


Colorization using a Generative Color Prior for Natural Images

421.4K runs


Multi-Axis MLP for Image Processing

405.9K runs


Add colours to old images

381.4K runs


Blind Face Restoration in the Wild

154.5K runs


Blind Face Restoration with Vector-Quantized Dictionary and Parallel Decoder

153.3K runs


Blind Face Restoration with Vector-Quantized Dictionary and Parallel Decoder

135.6K runs


Removes defocus blur in an image

111.7K runs


Practicing Model Scaling for Photo-Realistic Image Restoration In the Wild. This version uses LLaVA-13b for captioning.

82.8K runs


Towards Photo-Realistic Image Colorization via Dual Decoders

58.7K runs


Unsupervised Night Image Enhancement

39.8K runs


High-Quality Image Restoration Following Human Instructions

5.7K runs


Practicing Model Scaling for Photo-Realistic Image Restoration In the Wild. This is the SUPIR-v0F model and does NOT use LLaVA-13b.

5.3K runs


Practicing Model Scaling for Photo-Realistic Image Restoration In the Wild. This is the SUPIR-v0Q model and does NOT use LLaVA-13b.

3.7K runs


Restyle an image with the style of another one. I strongly suggest to upscale the results with Clarity AI

1.6K runs


1.2K runs