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Input schema
The fields you can use to run this model with an API. If you don’t give a value for a field its default value will be used.
Field | Type | Default value | Description |
image |
Input image. Facial images are expected to be aligned. If not, you can use to align your image first.
model |
Options: CelebA-HQ, ImageNet, Places |
Choose a model depending on the input image.
mask |
face mask
Options: face mask, thick, thin, every second line, super-resolution, expand, half |
Choose a type for masking the image before repainting. Please refer to the Examples to see what each type of the mask looks like.
Output schema
The shape of the response you’ll get when you run this model with an API.
{'properties': {'inpainted_image': {'format': 'uri',
'title': 'Inpainted Image',
'type': 'string'},
'mask': {'format': 'uri', 'title': 'Mask', 'type': 'string'},
'masked_image': {'format': 'uri',
'title': 'Masked Image',
'type': 'string'}},
'required': ['mask', 'masked_image', 'inpainted_image'],
'title': 'Output',
'type': 'object'}