philz1337x / video2sound
Add sound to videos with AI. Use at Twitter/X: @philz1337x
philz1337x / video-style-transfer
Video style transfer. Use at Twitter/X: @philz1337x
philz1337x / clarity-upscaler
High resolution image Upscaler and Enhancer. Use at A free Magnific alternative. Twitter/X: @philz1337x
philz1337x / clarity-lowres-upscaler
Low resolution image Upscaler and Enhancer. For images between 64 - 512 px. Use at Twitter/X: @philz1337x
philz1337x / style-transfer
Apply the style of an image to your image. Upscaling with Clarity is recommended. Twitter/X: @philz1337x
philz1337x / multidiffusion-upscaler
High resolution image Upscaler and Enhancer. Twitter/X: @philz1337x
philz1337x / clip-interrogator
Faster! The CLIP Interrogator is a prompt engineering tool that combines OpenAI's CLIP and Salesforce's BLIP to optimize text prompts to match a given image. Use the resulting prompts with text-to-image models like Stable Diffusion to create cool art!
philz1337x / controlnet-deliberate
Modify images with canny edge detection and Deliberate model twitter: @philz1337x