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Input schema
The fields you can use to run this model with an API. If you don’t give a value for a field its default value will be used.
Field | Type | Default value | Description |
mp4 |
Upload an mp4 video file.
keep_original_duration |
Should the enhanced video retain the original duration? If set to `True`, the model will adjust the frame rate to maintain the video's original duration after adding interpolated frames. If set to `False`, the frame rate will be set based on `custom_fps`.
custom_fps |
Min: 1 Max: 240 |
Set `keep_original_duration` to `False` to use this! Desired frame rate (fps) for the enhanced video. This will only be considered if `keep_original_duration` is set to `False`.
framerate_multiplier |
Options: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 |
Determines how many intermediate frames to generate between original frames. E.g., a value of 2 will double the frame rate, and 4 will quadruple it, etc.
Output schema
The shape of the response you’ll get when you run this model with an API.
{'items': {'format': 'uri', 'type': 'string'},
'title': 'Output',
'type': 'array',
'x-cog-array-type': 'iterator'}