meta /llama-2-13b-chat:56acad22


Shift + Return to add a new line

Prompt to send to Llama v2.

(minimum: 1)

Maximum number of tokens to generate. A word is generally 2-3 tokens

Default: 500

(minimum: 0.01, maximum: 5)

Adjusts randomness of outputs, greater than 1 is random and 0 is deterministic, 0.75 is a good starting value.

Default: 0.75

(minimum: 0.01, maximum: 1)

When decoding text, samples from the top p percentage of most likely tokens; lower to ignore less likely tokens

Default: 1

(minimum: 0.01, maximum: 5)

Penalty for repeated words in generated text; 1 is no penalty, values greater than 1 discourage repetition, less than 1 encourage it.

Default: 1


provide debugging output in logs

Default: false


Based on the information provided, cats like dogs, and dogs like rabbits. Since cats like anything that dogs like, it can be inferred that cats also like rabbits. However, you mentioned that you really dislike rabbits, so it's possible that cats may not share the same sentiment.
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