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vetkastar /gradient-overlay:cd37f3c4



Upload the image to which the gradient will be applied.


Choose the gradient type: linear or radial. Linear gradient changes in one direction, radial changes from center to edges.

Shift + Return to add a new line

Starting color of the gradient in HEX format. For example, #FF0000 for red.

Default: "#000000"

Shift + Return to add a new line

Ending color of the gradient in HEX format. For example, #0000FF for blue.

Default: "#FFFFFF"

(minimum: 0, maximum: 360)

Angle of the gradient in degrees (0 to 360). Applies only to linear gradient. 0 is horizontal, 90 is vertical.

Default: 0

(minimum: 0, maximum: 100)

Overall opacity of the gradient from 0 to 100. 0 is fully transparent, 100 is fully opaque.

Default: 50

(minimum: 0, maximum: 100)

Position of the boundary between start and end colors (0 to 100). 0 shows only the end color, 100 shows only the start color, 50 places the boundary in the middle.

Default: 50

(minimum: 0, maximum: 100)

Amount of blur applied to the gradient (0 to 100). 0 is no blur, 100 is maximum blur. This affects the softness of the transition between colors.

Default: 0


If enabled, outputs only the gradient on a transparent background without overlaying on the original image.

Default: false


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