flux-autumn-green works great with light pastel color tones, it’s got a lighthearted moebius vibe.
It was trained on Replicate, here: https://replicate.com/ostris/flux-dev-lora-trainer/train
The training set is comprised of 14 images generated on MidJourney using the --sref 2795713976
You can find the entire training set here: https://replicate.delivery/pbxt/Lg39Uhs22ryoOSyI0FEg3ZboV8QE5RUJitWJ8hf4uLcwYENW/2024-09-23-autumn-green.zip
Below are the training parameters I used, which seem to work fairly well for illustration/cartoony Flux LoRAs:
"steps": 800,
"lora_rank": 24,
"batch_size": 4,
"autocaption": true,
"input_images": "https://replicate.delivery/pbxt/Lg39Uhs22ryoOSyI0FEg3ZboV8QE5RUJitWJ8hf4uLcwYENW/2024-09-23-autumn-green.zip",
"trigger_word": "ATMGRN",
"learning_rate": 0.0003,
"autocaption_suffix": "ATMGRN style",