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Private models vs. public models

When creating a model on Replicate, you can choose whether to make it public or private.

You can create a private model on your personal account, and it will only be visible to you. You can also create a private model in an organization to share it with members of your team.

Making a private model public

You can change a private model to be public in the model's Settings tab. It's a useful practice to make your new models private at first, test them out, then make them public when you're ready for others to be able to find and use them.

Making a public model private

It is possible to make a public model private, but you should be considerate of other users before doing so. If you change your public model to be private, anyone using it will immediately lose access to it. If you're planning to add private features to an existing model, consider creating a new private model instead and leaving the existing public model public.