
I want to…

Restore images

Models that improve or restore images by deblurring, colorization, and removing noise

Upscale images

Upscaling models that create high-quality images from low-quality images

Train a language model

Language models that you can fine-tune using Replicate's training API.

Make 3D stuff

Models that generate 3D objects, scenes, radiance fields, textures and multi-views.

Latest models

ControlNet Line Art Anime

Updated 55 runs

Mixtral 8x22b Instruct v0.1

Updated 48 runs

Transfer the style of one image to another

Updated 1.3K runs

hello world

Updated 4 runs

Base version of Llama 3, a 70 billion parameter language model from Meta.

Updated 25 runs

Updated 3.2K runs

A 70 billion parameter language model from Meta, fine tuned for chat completions

Updated 8.3K runs

An 8 billion parameter language model from Meta, fine tuned for chat completions

Updated 157 runs

Base version of Llama 3, an 8 billion parameter language model from Meta.

Updated 6 runs

PyTorch implementation of AnimeGAN for fast photo animation

Updated 30.7K runs

Run any ComfyUI workflow. Guide: https://github.com/fofr/cog-comfyui

Updated 138.4K runs

OpenBMB MiniCPM-V 2.8B is a strong multimodal large language model for efficient end-side deployment

Updated 41 runs

A tiny model for testing out Cog

Updated 43 runs

a powerful and competitive model like Midjourney v6 and DALL-E 3 but Open and Decentralized

Updated 296 runs

HairFastGAN: Realistic and Robust Hair Transfer with a Fast Encoder-Based Approach

Updated 75 runs

AbsoluteReality V1.8.1 Model (Text2Img, Img2Img and Inpainting)

Updated 5.3K runs

Updated 1.4K runs

An example of a rudimentary Q&A assistant for ACME SL

Updated 7 runs

ZeST: Zero-Shot Material Transfer from a Single Image

Updated 405 runs

Reliberate v3 Model (Text2Img, Img2Img and Inpainting)

Updated 170.8K runs

Deliberate V6 Model (Text2Img, Img2Img and Inpainting)

Updated 2.1K runs

InstantMesh: Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image with Sparse-view Large Reconstruction Models

Updated 1.3K runs

WizardLM 2 8x22B

Updated 142 runs

Updated 88 runs

lightweight text-to-speech (TTS) model, trained on 10.5K hours of audio data

Updated 141 runs

Accelerated transcription, word-level timestamps and diarization with whisperX large-v3

Updated 95.7K runs

txt2img model based on photon-v1 checkpoint model

Updated 3.1K runs

Change eye (iris) color

Updated 159 runs

Updated 667 runs

Mixtral 8x22b v0.1 Zephyr Orpo 141b A35b v0.1

Updated 101 runs


Updated 190 runs

Midjourney v6 text-to-image quality model but Open and Decentralized

Updated 274 runs

Zero-Shot Speech Editing and Text-to-Speech in the Wild

Updated 712 runs

GPU accelerated replay renderer / video data clipper for comma.ai connect's openpilot route data. SEE README.

Updated 1.9K runs

Weak-to-Strong Training of Diffusion Transformer for 4K Text-to-Image Generation

Updated 401 runs

MagicTime: Time-lapse Video Generation Models as Metamorphic Simulators

Updated 172 runs

Updated 71 runs

A large, stereo MusicGen that acts as a useful tool for music producers

Updated 177 runs

Nous Hermes 2 Mixtral 8x7B DPO is a Nous Research model trained over the Mixtral 8x7B MoE LLM

Updated 31 runs

High resolution image Upscaler and Enhancer. Use at ClarityAI.cc. A free Magnific alternative. Twitter/X: @philz1337x

Updated 267.8K runs


Updated 146 runs

Best-in-class virtual try on in the wild

Updated 2K runs

Image generation, Added: inpaint_strength loras_custom_urls

Updated 531 runs

Updated 1.1K runs

Use a subset of https://github.com/barun-saha/slide-deck-ai to create powerpoint slides from a json description - using python-pptx (https://github.com/scanny/python-pptx)

Updated 127 runs

Generates Images in the Big Medium Style

Updated 323 runs

multilingual text2image latent diffusion model

Updated 8.6M runs

viⓍTTS vixTTS là mô hình tạo sinh giọng nói cho phép bạn sao chép giọng nói sang các ngôn ngữ khác nhau chỉ bằng cách sử dụng một đoạn âm thanh nhanh dài 6 giây

Updated 55 runs

StreamingT2V: Consistent, Dynamic, and Extendable Long Video Generation from Text

Updated 380 runs

Turn a face into 3D, emoji, pixel art, video game, claymation or toy

Updated 10.4M runs