
I want to…

Restore images

Models that improve or restore images by deblurring, colorization, and removing noise

Upscale images

Upscaling models that create high-quality images from low-quality images

Train a language model

Language models that you can fine-tune using Replicate's training API.

Make 3D stuff

Models that generate 3D objects, scenes, radiance fields, textures and multi-views.

Latest models

Generate a video that morphs between subjects, with an optional style

Updated 36 runs

Run any ComfyUI workflow. Guide: https://github.com/fofr/cog-comfyui

Updated 153.9K runs

Updated 3.4K runs

Easily train your custom Kohya-styled LoRAs

Updated 63 runs

An efficient, intelligent, and truly open-source language model

Updated 16.4K runs

Updated 89 runs

Best-in-class clothing virtual try on in the wild (non-commercial use only)

Updated 9.8K runs

Mask generation for IDM-VTON

Updated 41 runs

Make stickers with AI. Generates graphics with transparent backgrounds.

Updated 212K runs

yuan2.0-2b-mars是源2.0-2B模型的2024年3月版本,源2.0 是浪潮信息发布的新一代基础语言大模型。我们开源了全部的3个模型源2.0-102B,源2.0-51B和源2.0-2B。并且我们提供了预训练,微调,推理服务的相关脚本,以供研发人员做进一步的开发。源2.0是在源1.0的基础上,利用更多样的高质量预训练数据和指令微调数据集,令模型在语义、数学、推理、代码、知识等不同方面具备更强的理解能力。

Updated 4 runs

High resolution image Upscaler and Enhancer. Use at ClarityAI.cc. A free Magnific alternative. Twitter/X: @philz1337x

Updated 465.8K runs

Creates voxels like game asset

Updated 39 runs

Idefics2 is an open multimodal model that accepts arbitrary sequences of image and text inputs and produces text outputs

Updated 68 runs

IP-Adapter: Text Compatible Image Prompt Adapter for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Updated 125 runs

FlashFace: Human Image Personalization with High-fidelity Identity Preservation

Updated 419 runs

Trained on VV instagram posts.

Updated 102 runs

Zero-Shot Speech Editing and Text-to-Speech in the Wild

Updated 1.1K runs

Updated 7 runs

Qwen1.5 32B Chat variant. A transformer-based decoder-only language model. Good with Chinese and English.

Updated 8 runs

Real-ESRGAN Upscale with AI Face Correction

Updated 205.7K runs

full body version

Updated 86 runs

Real-ESRGAN with optional face correction and adjustable upscale

Updated 41.9M runs

Updated 44 runs

text2img model trained on LAION HighRes and fine-tuned on internal datasets

Updated 6.1M runs

snowflake-arctic-embed is a suite of text embedding models that focuses on creating high-quality retrieval models optimized for performance

Updated 12 runs

Change eye (iris) color

Updated 199 runs

Transfer the style of one image to another

Updated 11.3K runs

input your name, and this model will print the most handsome man

Updated 14 runs

pitch correction on your voice

Updated 60 runs

ControlNet Line Art Anime

Updated 220 runs

Mixtral 8x22b Instruct v0.1

Updated 94 runs

hello world

Updated 6 runs

Base version of Llama 3, a 70 billion parameter language model from Meta.

Updated 3.9K runs

A 70 billion parameter language model from Meta, fine tuned for chat completions

Updated 1.2M runs

An 8 billion parameter language model from Meta, fine tuned for chat completions

Updated 108.6K runs

Base version of Llama 3, an 8 billion parameter language model from Meta.

Updated 85.7K runs

PyTorch implementation of AnimeGAN for fast photo animation

Updated 30.8K runs

OpenBMB MiniCPM-V 2.8B is a strong multimodal large language model for efficient end-side deployment

Updated 69 runs

A tiny model for testing out Cog

Updated 51 runs

a powerful and competitive model like Midjourney v6 and DALL-E 3 but Open and Decentralized

Updated 376 runs

HairFastGAN: Realistic and Robust Hair Transfer with a Fast Encoder-Based Approach

Updated 141 runs

AbsoluteReality V1.8.1 Model (Text2Img, Img2Img and Inpainting)

Updated 5.5K runs

Updated 1.4K runs

An example of a rudimentary Q&A assistant for ACME SL

Updated 7 runs

ZeST: Zero-Shot Material Transfer from a Single Image

Updated 730 runs

Reliberate v3 Model (Text2Img, Img2Img and Inpainting)

Updated 194.4K runs

Deliberate V6 Model (Text2Img, Img2Img and Inpainting)

Updated 2.7K runs

InstantMesh: Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image with Sparse-view Large Reconstruction Models

Updated 3K runs

WizardLM 2 8x22B

Updated 1.2K runs

Updated 88 runs